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Environmentally friendly consumer app

A large & complex dataset simplified to produce a ‘pocket guide’ ethical consumer app

Badge for 2016 App Design Award
London Design Awards Gold Winner

MCS goodfishguide hero image of app landing on iPhone

Environmentally sound choices

The Good Fish Guide is produced by the Marine Conservation Society and helps consumers make environmentally sound seafood choices.

The app - The Good Fish Guide - serves as an index of endangered species of fish in the United Kingdom. The app enables users to make ethical purchasing decisions based on the present sustainability of fish species.

Sustainability is complex

To give consumers accurate and up-to-date information on fish sustainability involves collecting, simplifying and displaying large amounts of constantly changing data from multiple sources.

We were keen to not just accurately present the data, but also to ensure that the user experience was maximised. This app needed to be both highly intelligent and extremely usable.

The app has received critical praise from all quarters, including the influential Creative Review
Good Fish Guide app

Beginning with the user

The Marine Conservation Society provided us with a series of complicated data-flow diagrams showing the various data sources and patterns the app needed to accommodate.

From here, we began by conducting research with potential users of the app. This extensive user research formed the basis of the inception workshop we undertook with the Marine Conservation Society.

Armed with the user research, conclusions from the inception workshop and their complex data-flow, we created wireframes ready to design and build the app.

From the inception workshop to the final submission to the app stores, we worked closely with the Marine Conservation Society.

"Brightec went above & beyond to make a great user experience. They certainly lived up to all the claims they made in the selection process!"
Kevin Brewer, Marine Conservation Society

End product

The finished app utilises a simple but clever traffic light system. This provides users with an at-a-glance guide to which fish species are at risk and to be avoided (based on present fish sustainability).

Alongside this, the app includes other features such as sustainable recipes and sustainability ratings for restaurants near the user.

Most importantly the app helps the Marine Conservation Society to ensure that consumers make the right choices, helping to save our threatened marine wildlife before it is lost forever.

Available on the App Store & Google Play Store