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A photo of Simon writing a blog Organise
Stuck for blog inspiration? Try this.

Here’s a proven fresh approach to blog writing that works for us

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Dave in conversation iOS
How to test with The Composable Architecture

This blog series concludes with a look at the testability of TCA

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Dave and Nick look at State Changes together on their screen iOS
How to manage State Changes with The Composable Architecture for Swift

In the third part of our guide to mastering The Composable Architecture for Swift we look at managing state changes and effectively using stores

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A photo of Dave working alone on his laptop iOS
Setting Up Your Xcode Project for The Composable Architecture

In the second part of our comprehensive guide on The Composable Architecture (TCA) for Swift, we look at the practical implementation

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Nick and Dave working together at a standing desk iOS
Understanding the Core Concepts of The Composable Architecture

In the first part of our comprehensive guide on demystifying The Composable Architecture (TCA) for Swift we explain the fundamental principles of this revolutionary approach.

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The Brightec team at work in the studio People
Elevate Your Workplace: Design your work patterns around your team

So far in this series, we’ve looked at training, motivation and reward. But what about where, when and how the work happens?

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The Brightec team playing volleyball on the beach People
Elevate Your Workplace: People need to feel rewarded for their work

Feeling rewarded is a key factor in preventing burnout in the workplace. In this blog, we share some of our favourite ways to acknowledge great work and support to our team

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Dave drinking a coffee whilst talking to Alistair, there is a bacon sandwich on the table in front of both of them Culture
Elevate Your Workplace: Discovering what motivates and inspires your team

Here are some of our favourite tried and tested ways to serve our team and be a great employer

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