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Team Wellbeing

An illustration of mindfulness

As an employer, we recognise our responsibility to support our staff. Our ethos is for work to be enjoyable but that life, health and happiness are more important.

We put a great deal of time and resource into training and coaching to ensure our skills are at the forefront of tech development, and our staff are happy and supported. All the team have a weekly 1:1 mentoring session which ensures everyone is supported in their progress and development within their role, as well as the more holistic approach intended through coaching.

We care about our craft, each other and the world. We want to change things for the better, and strive to put people and our ethical beliefs at the heart of everything we do. This series shares how we keep striving to do so:

How to measure your team’s wellbeing with the new HappyTrack tool

In the unfamiliar times of Covid-19 and remote working, we missed the natural, impromptu chats and subtle signs that gave away if someone was having a bad day. Without this, we had no hint that someone needed extra support. And employees often don’t know how to start the conversation or ask for help. So we built a Slack integration to track the wellbeing of individuals in the team

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silhouette image of a team Culture
How to measure your team's wellbeing with the new HappyTrack tool

We’ve developed a Slackbot to help you track your team members happiness, and improve your team’s wellbeing.

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How to connect with your team in a remote setting

Many businesses may choose to remain fully remote since the Covid Pandemic, for many more, remote working will be more prevalent than before. Without a physical presence, we have to find new ways to support our colleagues. Here, we share some of what worked for us to encourage others to support their co-workers

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A photo of Nick and Alistair working at a desk together Culture
How to connect with your team in a remote setting

The events of 2020 gave most of us cause to rethink the ways we work.

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What is Brightec life like online?

We’re a team that works well together. Pre-covid we scribbled on whiteboards, loved sharpies and couldn’t get enough post-its. How then, does a team like this, operate over video calls and slack to collaborate productively?

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Jotham relaxed at work Culture
What is Brightec life like online?

You know how it is. People ask how you are, and as humans, we tend to give a generic answer. We can tell you we’re doing well. But what’s really going on behind what you see and hear from Brightec at the moment?

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Staying hungry

We allow the freedom to create, in some cases that is space to grow their wider interests (our team is made up of musicians, a yoga teacher, a weight-lifter, a photography and mobile coffee shop owner!) and in other cases, its trust to develop new practices for the team to follow. Whatever it is, it's important our team members know they are supported in their ventures.

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Illustration behind the words 'Staying Hungry' Culture
Staying Hungry

Knowing where inspiration comes from means that our 'creating' doesn't become a factory line of churning out the same old thing.

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How to look after mental health whilst working from home

Prompted by the coronavirus pandemic, this thoughtful blog addresses the power of connection, disconnecting, self care and kindness

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A child's painting of a rainbow Culture
How to look after our mental health while working from home

WFH. Social distancing. Furlough. These are some of the terms that have become the new normal in this strange time.

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Raising awareness of mental health in the workplace

Solving the mental health epidemic will require a significant shift in the industry however, there are several things that we can do both as individuals and a company

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Mental Health in the Technology Sector Culture
Raising awareness of mental health in the workplace
Rhys addresses the importance of raising mental health awareness in a male-dominated industry
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