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This week at Brightec 28.11

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This week we’ve been playing desk roulette at Brightec HQ.

Desk Roulette

The games goes something like this: we move all the desks around and then everyone has to find where we’ve put their personal belongings.

Admittedly not the most enthralling game, but it made us feel all new, sassy and confident - like when you get a new haircut. Maybe not…

New, new, new

As well as desk roulette it’s been a busy week here. The phone has been ringing off the hook but fortunately our switchboard (Josh) has just about coped.

Most excitingly, we’re thrilled to announce the appointment of a new member of staff. Nick Holcombe is an accomplished developer and starts in a weeks time. Watch out for an interview with him on our blog soon.

We also have two new clients - a local medical communications agency and another Brighton based technology provider. We can’t wait to get started with them both

Awards, fame etc.

We’ve also been listed by Clutch as one of the UK’s ‘leading mobile development firms’. An honour we’re incredibly proud of.

In addition to that; we’ve also been put forward for an award with the Travel Marketing Awards for our work with Lowcostholidays. We should hear whether we’ve been shortlisted soon.

Marginal gains

With all the busyness at HQ, we’re always on the lookout for new ways to speed things up. We’ve put Chris on a crash diet, Cameron is allowed only high caffeine energy drinks and we’ve trained Josh to answer phones like John McCririck.

Also, we regularly invest time in R&D, and this week used that to good effect to speed up the parsing of a massive (3.7Mb) JSON file. What was once 90secs is now 0.4secs! We’ll explain our genius in a future blog post.

Cool runnings

This week a few people have enquired about Google Glass type products. So we’re particularly chuffed to have stumbled across Vuzix.

At first glance it appears to offer a more useable product then Google Glass (whisper it quietly) - better battery & cooler running for starters stand out.

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