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Essential Brightec

An illustration of bees flying towards their nest

Brightec has evolved, changed, adapted, shrunk, adjusted, grown and prospered as a business, and a team, since its founding days in a garden shed.

Our company culture has been recognised for numerous awards, along with our work. These blogs look at the bare basics of Brightec; not just who we are, but how and why we do the work we do.

How to create company values that are useful

In the last five years, we’ve doubled the size of our team. It would therefore be a mistake to think our values don’t need to grow with us. This is how we came to our latest iteration of the Brightec DNA.

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Brightec values imagery Culture
How to create company values that are useful

Our values are the basis for how we conduct ourselves, make decisions and grow as a team.

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How we rebuilt our company strategy

This is an honest recount of how we were forced to prove we could be a financially stable company, with an outstanding work culture.

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Andy Culture
How we rebuilt our company strategy

When tough times hit your business, how do you bounce back?

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How Brightec actually invest in culture

How investing in our team encourages them to feel invested in our company

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Josh and Elle working together to Invest in culture Culture
How Brightec actually invests in culture

Answering the question of how we "actually" do culture is critical to our growth.

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Setting context for productive meetings

Why a meeting policy doesn’t work for us, but we do have guidelines to help ensure our team have time to produce quality work and space to create meaningful working relationships

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Andy smiling during a meeting Organise
How to Set the Context for Productive Work Meetings

Work meetings can easily be seen as a necessary evil, something as an individual you have to endure whilst as an organisation you have to initiate.

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Encouragement changes everything

Open and honest feedback helps us to get the best out of each of our team, and encouragement plays a huge role in creating a culture that enables this honesty

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Encouragement and Kudos and Brightec 3 People
Encouragement changes everything

How we learnt to praise each other honestly and openly to get the most out of our team.

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Responsible teams

We believe that encouraging our staff to take responsibility is a huge key to building truly great companies

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Why work Organise
Responsible teams
How to foster an environment where staff take responsibility
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Every company needs its own B.O.B

Our mate Bob, (Brightec Overview Board) knows who is working on what each week and encourages conversations which increase knowledge sharing across the team and all of our projects

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Mobile app development processes at Brightec 1 Organise
Every company needs its own B.O.B
Running multiple app development projects at the same time with one team isn't easy. Here's how we approach it.
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How we keep clients happy and returning

Our clients know their project is more than a source of income; we really care about the work they’ve asked us to carry out and want it to be the best it can be. Our approach ensures we have ongoing work and a deep understanding of our clients and their customers

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Caz from mobile app developers Brightec Culture
How we keep clients happy and returning
We’re proud of the close working relationships we have with our clients.
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Why monitoring billable time is so important

We’ve found that being open with the conversation and transparent with the results has meant that we have a more engaged and understanding team.

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Illustration of doughnut charts and a stopwatch to suggest monitoring time Culture
Why monitoring billable time is so important

Why we strongly think your agency should monitor billable time

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Why blog?

Here’s four reasons why we chose to invest our time on writing regular blog posts

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Default blog image of logo on green Organise
Why blog?
Why do we put so much time, effort and resource into regularly producing blog posts?
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Why do we charge for bug fixing?

This blog explains why faultless code is a proverbial unicorn, thus bug fixing is an integral part of the development process

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